Please click the link if you would like to help, click here.
A few notes for clarification regarding the Cheesecake Fundraiser:
If a student sells at least 16 items, then he/she will be put into the drawing for their choice of the following:
▪ Electric Scooter (top speed 15 mph)
▪ $400 Gift Card (student’s choice)
▪ PlayStation 5
*For each additional item sold, an additional entry into this drawing will be added.
*The more entries a student earns, the more times their name will appear on the PRIZE WHEEL, which increases their chances of winning.
If a student ends up being the overall top seller (amongst all grade levels 7-12), then he/she will get one of the following (on top of a free yearbook and entries into the other drawings):
Sell between 15 – 49 total items: $50 gift card (student’s choice)
Sell 50+: $100 gift card (student’s choice)