2024 Capital Project Updates
Important Information
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, Clyde-Savannah Central School District residents had the opportunity to vote on a proposed capital improvement project that is designed to modernize our educational program spaces and ensure that all of our facilities are up to date, conducive for learning, and safe for both students and staff.
As we look towards the future for our school district, we have identified critical asset preservation needs and safety improvements throughout our buildings and grounds, including reconfiguration of the parent pick-up/drop-off area at the Elementary School and updates to the concession stand at our Field House.
We have also prioritized educational program enhancements including improvements to our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) classrooms, auditorium, and performing arts spaces.
It was a priority of the Board and our leadership team to be mindful of the financial impact of a new capital project on our Clyde-Savannah community. As a result, through dutiful financial planning and optimization of State Building Aid, we are able to implement the Capital Improvement Project with NO additional increase to taxpayers.